5th December 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
RE: End of Winter Term Letter to Parents and Carers
As we approach the end of another busy and successful term, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on some of the fantastic highlights we’ve enjoyed together. It has been a term full of growth, achievements, and memorable experiences for our students.
Term Highlights:
Tree Planting Initiative: Our students made a positive impact on the environment by planting trees as part of our sustainability efforts.
Positive Noticing Day: A wonderful day dedicated to celebrating kindness, achievements, and all the things we value in each other.
Sports Tournaments: From football to netball, our teams have excelled and shown incredible sportsmanship.
Visit to Vitrex: An insightful educational trip that inspired our students with real-world industrial and career opportunities.
Year 11 BTEC Tech Award Visit: Students conducted research on a local business, gaining invaluable experience for their studies.
November 11th Memorial Event: A poignant and respectful commemoration, reminding us of the importance of remembrance.
Visit to the Imperial War Museum: An excellent learning experience for students to find out about the 2nd World War to help them with their GCSE History course.
Aladdin, The Pantomime: A fun and lively performance that brought joy to students and staff alike.
Showtown Museum Visit: A chance where students explored local history and culture in a hands-on learning environment.
Working with Author Nathan Parker: Students were inspired through creative writing sessions with this talented local author.
Workshops with Brian Rose Boxing Club: Promoting resilience and discipline, these workshops were a big hit with our students.
Outdoor Education with NRG: Students enjoyed the benefits of learning
in the great outdoors, developing teamwork and life skills.
Student Council: We have had a lot of students expressing their interest in representing their peers on our student council. We are really looking forward to hearing their voice and ideas for improvement for our school and beyond!
Year 11 Mock Exams: A challenging but rewarding experience for our Year 11s as they prepare for their future qualifications.
Looking Ahead:
We’re excited about what the new term has in store, including:
Launch of the Duke of Edinburgh Award: A fantastic opportunity for students to challenge themselves and develop essential skills.
More Sports Tournaments and Events: We’re looking forward to more successes and participation in the coming term.
Educational Diversity Book Launch: Yes, you read that right—our students have written and published their very own book of poems! We are immensely proud of their hard work and creativity, and we can’t wait to share it with you.
End of Term Arrangements:
School will finish for the Christmas holidays on Friday 20th December at 1.30pm.
Start of Spring Term:
We look forward to welcoming students back on Tuesday 7th January.
Finally, I would like to wish you all a safe, happy, and restful festive season. Thank you for your continued support—it is greatly appreciated by all of us at Educational Diversity.
Warm regards,
Vic O’Farrell