Let's Work Together to Support Your Child to Be Successful
For many reasons it is vital that our students attend school. Their safety is paramount and their education is essential. When children attend school, we know that they are safe and receiving an education that will open doors to their life beyond Educational Diversity. We therefore ask parents to support their child by:
- Making sure that their child attends school
- Making sure that their child arrives at school on time
- Not taking holidays during term time
- If your child is sick let us know immediately by telephone and bring a note of explanation to your Form Tutor when you return.
- Medical appointments, as far as possible, should be made out of academy hours.
Holiday should not be taken during term time. If leave is required during term time, an 'Exceptional Circumstance Request Form' should be completed and submitted to the school office. Please note that these are only requests and should be returned at least 2 weeks prior to the intended first day of leave.
Parents do not have a legal right to take children out of school on holiday.
The school usually insist that the child's attendance is 96% or above before a leave of absence will be considered or unless there are exceptional circumstances. Holidays will not be authorised during exam periods.
Where authorisation is not obtained prior to taking time off, parents must be aware that formal action is available to the school in the form of Fixed Penalty Notices and fines.
Did you know?
- There are 190 statutory schools days in one year.
- There are 175 days including weekends and holidays to use for holidays.